space space

Yin Yang

Autor/in:Jim Deacove
Verlag:Family Pastimes
Preis:US$ 14.95
Anzahl Spieler:1-2
Altersgruppe:ab 9 Jahre
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Kommentar:Thema: kooperatives Spiel
Pressetext:A co-operative game with the flavor of PENTE & GO. Players try to develop a series of balanced patterns. The moving principles are simple, but the variations and complexities of play are almost indefinite. This is a game for those who like abstract, meditative endeavors.. A simpler game, CLARITY, is included for the beginner or younger player.
Material:Board 12 x 12 inches
Three Sets of Colored "Pebbles"
Scoring Sheets
Letzte Änderung:09.01.07

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